With the world practically trembling in fear and hopes they and there family members do not catch the corona virus, that they can keep there job and afford rent, and to also not run out of daily necessities we need in our daily life. The world seems too have lost it’s hope and bright spark just in an instant, with everything bad going on people are forgetting the small little things the earth is making a comeback on also on earth day too! One thing that has happened so far is since  the shelter in place has happened, the worlds trash population has decreased rapidly. Another small thing is, because staying home has made families and people more sad and anxious than usually it has lead to some people to get a so called “Quarantine Pet” leading animal shelters a boost in foster applications. One good thing of the many amazing things the earth has gone through also includes the sea/ocean life, unlike the last couple of years whales have migrated undisturbed and have not been followed for the perfect picture to be put in a magazine, now instead they are gliding through the crystal clear sea in peace. Even though these few weeks have been a mess it’s okay because you are not the only one going through this, everything will be okay, lets also not forget the amazing things the world had been through already.

One thought on “SBC5

  1. Hi Sophia,
    True…sad true, though. Everything is upside down – but all this has shown us some positive sides of quarantine: pet need and share and a decrease in air and water pollution. Even though I don’t watch TV, I’ve been following the news worldwide and some incredible images have been shared on social media of a much cleaner sky over the north of Italy, cleaner waters in Venice with ducks and even octopuses … so, not all is bad, right?
    What about you? Are you having remote classes?
    In Portugal, we’ve been home since March 16th and lessons have continued using Google Meet. How are you doing it?
    Happy blogging and quarantine, And yes, everything will be just fine 🙂
    Mrs Duarte

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